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TRADOC Quality Assurance 


External Evaluation 

by Rosanne May 

TRADOC Quality Assurance Office 

Victory Through Excellent 

External Evaluation Process 

Sourc e s 


• CTC Rotation Feedback 

• Lessons Learned Collectors 

• Surveys 

• TD/CD/DD Developers Feedback 

• Conferences/seminars 

• Field Visits 

• Unit Feedback 

• Accident Reports 

• Unsolicited feedback 

• Internal evaluation results 

Survey Process 

Survey Operational Concept 

• Survey all courses over three-year cycle 

• Use team concept (QA/TD/T collaborate) 

• Consider characteristics of survey population 

- Number of graduates 

- Where assigned 

- How to reach supervisors 

Identify survey marketing requirements 

Survey Planning 

• Develop MEP (Master Evaluation Plan) 

- Schedule surveys over a three-year cycle or when course is revised 
(> 30 %) 

- Coordinate proposed schedule within the school 

- Obtain approval of the coordinated schedule 

- Include the schedule in Master Evaluation Plan (MEP) 

- Obtain commandant approval of the MEP 

- Include the MEP data as part of the Proponent Training Development 

• Submit approved MEP to TRADOC QAO by 1 September 

• Plan survey for a specific course. Determine — 

- who gets survey results 

- what is target population size 

- what level of reliability is needed 

- What size sample is needed for desired reliability 

- what additional questions to add to survey 

- how long to field survey 

• Develop External Evaluation Project Management Plan 

Developing and Collecting Data 

Develop survey 

- Obtain list of AKO email addresses for course graduates 

- Coordinate specific requirements for survey questions with A 

- Obtain Excel files (easiest to input) for approved - 
o Course subject areas/subject area descriptions 
o List of task titles (grouped by subject area) 
o Additional questions 

- Assemble the survey using the AUTOGEN program 

- Generate survey in all the formats selected (e.g., email, web) 

- Have SME review and revise survey accordingly 

Field the survey. 

- Post survey on the ARI server 

- Send emails requesting responders to take survey (via ARI/proponent school 

- Set up computers station at in-processing for LD courses 

Verify survey is available 

Track survey response rates 

Send a periodic reminder email to survey sample 

•Determine if sample size is large enough to provide reliable 

•Compile survey results 

- Select and run required preset AUTOGEN reports 

- Design and run customized reports. 

- Determine if needed reports exceed the capabilities of AUTOGEN 

- Extract data from AUTOGEN database to perform additional 

•Analyze data with SME and course manager input 

- Identify deficiencies found 

- Determine causes and develop solutions 

- Identify positive indicators, supporting factors, and responsible 

•Compare results to of this survey with other sources to 


Report F i nd i ng and — 

R e port 

- Identify trends, positive indicators, supporting factors, ar f Report 

, i findings} 

responsible \ recommtn 


- Report course deficiencies and recommend specific solution 

responsible organization 

- Identify trends that extend across courses, to include positive 

that should be promulgated as well as deficiencies and 

Collaborate on a solution set with DOTD and other 

Brief the commander/commandant on agreed upon 
solution set 

Follow Up 

Identify — 

• Which approved solutions have been implemente 

• Which solutions have not been implemented V 

• What is the timeline for implementing remaining solutions 

• If there are any changes in who is responsible for implementing 

• What issues are inhibiting implementation of approved solutions 

What actions QAO/QAE can take to facilitate implementation 
